Friday 29 April 2011

Things I'm Loving...

Every year about this time - I really look forward with great anticipation - to these:

I dunno, maybe it's the novelty of pulling the things apart segment by segment and devouring them - but I am certainly eating a tonne while I'm pregnant!!  I will truly feel sad when the season ends!

My wee sidekick.  We sometimes fight over who gets to eat the mandarin mummy just peeled.  When I offerred her the first fruit of the season, she loudly proclaimed "NO, YUCK!!!!!"  Until she saw you could peel them apart - then she remembered how delicious they are!

To be honest, I'm feeling a tad sad that in just a few short months she won't be my one and only anymore...  (apart from the hubster - who is of course the more important one and only).  We have a lot of fun together and I totally adore her - particularly when she's not stamping her feet, screaming "NO".

This is "us".  We lovingly call each other "goose" at times like the above.  It was raining and windy so we pulled out the dress up box and got a bit entertained.  I hate it when he pulls this face for photos - which is pretty much all the time.  He is my hero.  I love our secret little world of "us" that no one else can get into or invade.  I love that he believes in me and my dreams.  With his craziness, he truly puts the "oose" in "goose".

Enjoy life everyone & have a great weekend!


  1. YUM mandarins .. is it that time already?! I'll have to go raid my parent's trees ;-)

  2. I just got all excited at the supermarket a couple of hours ago at seeing mandarins!! I was addicted to them when pregnant with Keeks!!

  3. Sweet! You and your hubby look like you have a lot of fun!
    And mandarins yum!!! we have them here but my kids keep stealing them off the tree and Im worried Im going to miss out!! (might have to sneak down there when they're at school!) hehe.

  4. Stacey Wilson1 May 2011 at 12:15

    Ooooo mandarins - yussssss! Lily sits like I did when I was a kid - W legged, we used to call it!


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