Wednesday 27 April 2011

Just a ramble...

OK so I confess to being a bit boring in my latest posts.... lol

Food for thought:  We're trying a slightly new regime in our house.  We barely watch TV - we don't even have it tuned in, but find that all the "spare" time we have from that often gets eaten by mindless internet searches, reading online news, facebook, blogging and the like.

Often this comes at the expense of each other, sometimes at the expense of our child, or just at the expense of whittling away life wasting time on nothing very important or significant.

So we're only jumping online for a short time, 3 days a week or so.  It's not a rule, just a desire for so much more than a mundane life.

Anywho, I guess it means that my posts - of maybe once or twice a week - should be a bit more interesting and inventive right?? we'll see.

Ps. I'm making mac' n' cheese for tea - first time in a LONG time.  Looking forward to that carb-overloaded goodness!!

Stay tuned for post later in the week - something about me and 'domestic goddess' hehe. x

1 comment:

  1. Im glad someone has their internet addictions under control. ;)


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