Wednesday 17 April 2013

Confessions of a Sugar Addict

I'm a sugar addict.

A real life addict.  Sugar is sooo sweet.  It tastes so good and feels so satisfying as it passes my lips, drips down my tastebuds and finally reaches my stomach.  Pure delight, heaven in my mouth.

After a recent hospitalisation and compulsory fasting for 48 hours, then one meal, then more compulsory fasting - I found myself going OVERBOARD on food.

I would eat something then think - "what the heck did I just do that for!"

Having a hard day?  Must eat chocolate.
Having a good day? Must eat chocolate.
Kids finally in bed? Must eat chocolate.
End of the week? Must eat chocolate.
Night in with the hubby? Must eat chocolate.
Out with the girls? Must eat chocolate.
Friends over for tea? Must eat chocolate.
Easter? Must eat chocolate.
Birthday/Christmas/Celebration?  Must eat chocolate.

OK you get the point.  Well, you could take chocolate and replace it with dessert or any other baked delicious goods, sugary awesomeness - or just add it, which is probably the more likely event.

Anyway, I recently was feeling like I need to kick this bad habit.  Feeling 'prompted' to do it.  Well, my response, "I don't want to".

I think this is one of the very first times in my life I have actually wrestled with and deliberately chosen to NOT do what God has asked of me.  For three weeks my response has been, I'd like to, or I know I should, but I just don't want to.  I just "don't want to."  Most unusual for me.

On Sunday something at church finally struck a chord in me, when the Pastor said "I don't do things because I feel like it - I do them because I know it is the right thing to do!"  and I was like, oh, heck, I need to sort myself out.

And so, finally, I have decided I need to deal with this LARGE problem.  In my disobedience I have actually got worse than I have ever been - to the point where I scare myself.  I just don't want to go there.  I've been there before, I vowed to myself that I would never go back there.  I never want to see 'that' number on the scales again.  The number that says this is an epidemic on legs.

So, it leaves me here.  Day ONE of a 42 day sugar fast.

No sugar.  No added sugar.  No sugar replacement.  Unless I don't have an option, no food with added sugar.

This is pretty similar to previous things I have done.  I am a low carber and enjoy it.  But this time, it's different.  While low carbing, I have always allowed myself a couple of pieces of chocolate at the end of the day.  Good chocolate.  Or the odd treat.  This time, it's ZILCH.

It's a fast.

I can't fast completely because I'm breastfeeding.  But I HAVE to kick this.  A month is too short.  Two months is too long.  So 42 days is good.

This will be a stretch.  I need to overcome this... my addiction.  And have sugar as a semi welcome treat but a treat, not a staple part of my diet.

I will try to keep a note of what it's like in very brief terms, and take a few pics of my boring (or not so boring) food and post in semi regularly with updates.  You can follow me on instagram if you want #42daysugarfast

Day one: today is the day of motivation. 
Feel: optimistic yet overwhelmed. 
Temptation: the brown sugar from the family breakfast was sitting on the table screaming my name.  I eliminated it by putting it in the pantry.
Realisation: you can enjoy the quality of real flavours and food when it's not full of sugar.
Prayer: Lord, help me to realise that you truly "satisfy me more than the richest of food" - Psalm 63.5

Talk to ya soon


  1. wow! that's a hard habit to kick!

  2. I'm sitting here reading while eating chocolate! Good stuff arna - you're an inspiration!

  3. Good Luck!! You're gunna do awesome and the sugar addiction is going to become a thing of the past!!

  4. I don't know where my comment just went!! Oh well, Good luck!! You can totally do this!!


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